A spring day out on a North Cornwall headland when the sun is shining and the birds are starting their breeding cycle, I really can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.
Tag: Shag

A day in Dorset
All winter I’ve wanted to get down and see the Lesser Yellowlegs at Lodmoor so yesterday we bit the bullet and drove the 160 miles down the M3 arriving around 8.15am we managed to find the target although views were not as crippling as the images I’ve been seeing. It was sat on the far […]

Great visit to Wallasea Island
Sometimes a days birding can deliver very little and then sometimes days like today come along where it all seems to go right. A Barn Owl as we pulled into the track to the reserve followed by two Short-eared Owls hunting at first light then a male Merlin flashes across us and sits out on […]

Scotland #3 – Seabird Extravaganza
Back home in Norwich already, but I have some more Scottish tales to tell. On July 31st we went out to sea with my mate Phil from Shetland Seabird Tours. We left Lerwick harbour and headed towards Noss NNR. Phil boat is great – small enough to get close to water level, but sits very […]

De Aalscholver
De meeste mensen zullen hem ongetwijfeld wel eens gezien, voorbij vliegend laag over het water of zittend in een boom. Met name dat laatste verbaasd me elke keer weer. Deze vogels zijn namelijk uitgerust met enorme zwemvliezen aan de poten waarmee ze uitstekend kunnen zwemmen en onder water op jacht kunnen gaan naar de toch […]

Isle of Mull – story of the stack
It was early spring on ‘eagle island’ and on our marine excursions covering the north shore of Mull we were monitoring our local white-tailed eagle territory to see if nestingattemptswere taking place. After not seeing any clues in their traditional nest site high up in aconiferplantation, we noticed the female bird seemed to be hunkered […]

Sea-Kayaking with Wildlife around the Fastnet Rock
Conditions were ideal for sea-kayaking and wildlife photography on the west coast of Ireland early this morning – flat sea, not a breath of wind and sun burning off the early morning mist. Departing at 06:00 am from Schull Harbour in West Cork, Joff, Hugh and Nick kayaked 7 miles to the Fastnet Rock. Following […]

Inner Farne
A few images I took yesterday afternoon on Inner Farne, Northumberland. Kittiwake Chick Some of the ugliest chicks you could ever see, the Shag. Close Up. A mindful Shag. Adult Shags have the most stunning of eyes. Arctic Tern Nest and Eggs. A second of peace in the air. Arctic Tern. Puffins.