Taking Care Of Your Furry Friend

Taking Care Of Your Furry Friend

As beloved family members, most pet owners strive to secure the best possible care over their companion animal’s lifetime, from preventative wellness to critical medical interventions, as health eventually declines in aging pets. However, escalating veterinary costs threaten this obligation without proper financial planning. Herein emerges the immense protective purpose of pet insurance – financially […]

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Suicide by snake: Animal smuggler kills himself by getting one of his cobras to bite him as he is arrested in South Africa

Suicide by snake: Animal smuggler kills himself by getting one of his cobras to bite him as he is arrested in South Africa

A security guard committed suicide by snake by goading his own deadly serpents into delivering fatal bites after he was arrested by police in South Africa. Marius Joubert, 28, died in agony after his illegally-smuggled Indochinese Spitting Cobra and a second snake pumped lethal venom into his hand and wrist after he stuck his hand […]

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Monster 6ft black mamba snake slithers out from Christmas tree in festive horror

Monster 6ft black mamba snake slithers out from Christmas tree in festive horror

A deadly six-foot black mamba slithered out from beneath a family’s Christmas in something that can only be described as The Nightmare Before Christmas. The family from Queensburgh, South Africa, couldn’t believe their eyes as they watched the huge snake move around inside the tree before hiding behind a speaker. The black mamba’s bite has […]

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