Florida scrub-jays are nesting earlier than they used to as a result of warming winters, which is impacting their populations. Scientists recently looked at long-term data on the federally threatened bird species from 1981 until 2018. They found that as winters have warmed, Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) are not only moving their nesting up a […]
Tag: The Wildlife Society
USFWS proposes new rules for recovery of Canada lynx
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is moving forward with Canada lynx conservation by taking two steps. The Service is proposing to revise the current habitat designation for the species. The new habitat designation would cover more than 19,000 square miles in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Washington and Wyoming. In addition, collaboration between the […]
Lessons from the past may improve the future for manatees
While current manatee populations in Florida are threatened, their populations are higher than they ever historically were. Records show that manatee (Trichechus manatus) populations grew and began expanding across the Florida Peninsula during the same documented periods of human population increases, anthropogenic landscape changes, and social and policy changes. But with an increase in humans, […]
Rodenticides found in turkey vultures despite bans
Although California recently banned the use of anticoagulant rodenticides, turkey vultures in the state still have evidence of exposure to the chemicals in their bodies. Researchers studied the vultures’ exposure to eight different types of rodenticide in southern California from 2016 to 2021. The team found 11% of the birds they studied were exposed to […]
Invasive spotted lanternflies thrive in cities
Warm cities may provide the best conditions for the spread of invasive lanternflies. Spotted lanternflies (Lycorma delicatula), native to Asia, first arrived in the U.S. in 2014 in Pennsylvania. They have since spread across the Northeast and into the Midwest and Southeast. Scientists tapped into the citizen science platform iNaturalist to learn more about why […]
How a Fall in Duck Hunting Is Shooting a Financial Hole Into Conservation Efforts
Feb. 7, 2013 — The annual duck hunting season in the United States is traditionally big business, but while bird numbers are rising faster than they have for decades, the number of hunters continues to fall. Far from being good news for ducks a new study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin shows how the loss […]
The Wedge Pack, a Washington State Wolf Pack, Exterminated Because Of One Arrogant Rancher
The gray wolf is an endangered species throughout Washington under state law and is endangered under federal law in the western two-thirds of the state. Wolves were once common throughout most of Washington, but declined rapidly from being aggressively killed during the expansion of ranching and farming between 1850 and 1900. Wolves were eliminated as […]