A woman was caught attempting to smuggle 29 eastern box turtles from the United States to Canada, hiding the protected reptiles inside socks in a duffle bag. Wan Yee Ng, who was arrested in Vermont in June, was preparing to paddle across Lake Wallace in an inflatable kayak when authorities apprehended her. She has since […]
Tag: turtle

Turtle Racing at California Bar Sparks Outrage from Animal Rights Groups
Brennan’s bar in Marina del Rey, California, has come under fire for increasing the frequency of its controversial turtle races, moving from twice a month to a weekly schedule. Despite backlash from Animal rights advocates, reptile experts, and celebrities, the bar has doubled down on the practice, drawing widespread criticism for exploiting animals for entertainment. […]

Ultra Rare Reptile with Only 400 Left Can Survive in Colder Temps–Sparking Hope for Western Swamp Tortoise
The recent discovery of Australia’s most endangered reptile surviving in colder temperatures has inspired conservationists in Perth to continue trying to save the species thought to have only 400-500 individuals remaining in the wild. Introductions of the Western swamp tortoise into other areas are now on the docket, as scientists look to find a suitable […]

Town Saves the Threatened Bum-Breathing Punk Turtle – a 9lb Wonder Found Only in the Mary River
Australia is filled with wild and wonderful critters, but few surpass the novelty of the Mary River turtle—which was once one of the continent’s most endangered. Now however, the dedication of 800 residents in the town of Tiaro is seeing the turtle repopulate the river from which it draws its name, a point of pride […]

Wildlife Takes Center Stage in These Great Games
If you love animals and what could be more special than spotting them in the wild? If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where you can watch wildlife, then get out there and spot some! However, if you live in a more urban environment, you can enjoy wildlife too, from your computer. There […]

What Can You Do for Wildlife?
We coexist on the planet with 8.7 million other living species. Hence, it is our duty to secure our future generations. They can guarantee that our offspring will experience the same wonders we did. The increasing human population is causing a strain on wildlife. Multiple wildlife habitats are being encroached upon to fill the demand […]

Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release: A Sea Turtle Success Story to Kick off 2024
“Mojo,” a 500+ pound leatherback sea turtle, stranded on Miami’s South Beach just before the new year. He’s estimated to be 30 to 35 years old. According to NOAA, leatherback sea turtles are the largest turtles in the world. They’re the only species lacking scales and a hard shell and have existed in their current […]
![Hope, the Turtle Born with an Exposed Heart Beating Outside Her Body is Thriving Against All Odds [Video] Hope, the Turtle Born with an Exposed Heart Beating Outside Her Body is Thriving Against All Odds [Video]](https://i0.wp.com/www.onegreenplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/screen-shot-2020-08-19-at-4-56-50-pm.png?fit=828%2C556&ssl=1)
Hope, the Turtle Born with an Exposed Heart Beating Outside Her Body is Thriving Against All Odds [Video]
We all face different kinds of challenges in our lives. Sometimes the obstacles feel impossible to overcome. Those are the moments when we need a little extra inspiration and hope. When Mike first learned about a little turtle with an exposed heart, he knew that he had to take her in. He knew that keeping […]