The Consequences of Forbidden Romances in the Animal Kingdom

The Consequences of Forbidden Romances in the Animal Kingdom

In the animal kingdom, tales of forbidden romances between endangered wild animals and their domestic counterparts weave a complex narrative fraught with consequences. From yaks seeking affection from docile cows to testosterone-fueled wild camels charging pastoralist herds, these encounters pose serious challenges with far-reaching implications. The dwindling populations of many endangered species, coupled with shrinking […]

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New Online Database Highlights Dangers of Keeping Exotic Animals in Captivity

New Online Database Highlights Dangers of Keeping Exotic Animals in Captivity

World Animal Protection Canada has launched an innovative online database to raise awareness about the risks associated with keeping exotic animals in captivity. According to wildlife campaign manager Michèle Hamers, many people misinterpret incidents involving captive wildlife as isolated or amusing occurrences, overlooking the serious dangers they pose. Through her fieldwork, Hamers has observed numerous […]

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