Otro caso de lucha por el alimento, en esta ocasión un grupo de biguás (Phalacrocorax olivaceus) se estaba disputando la presa obtenida por uno de ellos hasta que la prescencia de esta Garza mora (Ardea cocoi) terminó con el pleito. Simplemente les arrebató el premio y se dedicó al consumir el banquete mientras los biguás […]
Tag: wildlife
Mind Numbing Beauty – Yellowstone 2013
I’m sat here looking out the window at the wet falling snow aching to be back in the beauty of Yellowstone in all its cold proper snow glory. I never thought id struggle to write this post Yellowstone Trip bog but it is the most amazing spell binding place that I’ve ever visited, even possibly […]
Shooting Wildlife Composites
Have you ever found yourself so close to a subject to cant fit it in? Or find yourself with a fantastic scene before you having left your wide-angle lens at home and all you have is your long telephoto lens? Or further more have your wide-angle lens with you but the subject would just be […]
Ten ways to rise for nature
Here is 10 ways to contribute to your native wildlife… – Enthuse others – Make aneffort to encourage other people to take an interest or increase their interest in the natural world.Whetheryou are watching peregrines in the lake district with fell walkers passing by or you are watching a kingfisher on a rivertributaryin an urban […]
The summit peak of Tanzania’s Mt Kilimanjaro is named: Uhuru, Swahili for “Freedom”. Let it be a proud source of inspiration for all of the sanctuaries, parks and wildlife areas it overlooks in both Tanzania and Kenya, to keep its wildlife in safety and freedom for the generations to come. Chyulu Hills, Kenya, near the […]
Tangará Amarillo – Violaceus Euphonia (Euphonia violacea aurantiicollis)
Una bellísima especie (en este caso el macho), cuya fotografía tomé en Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, cerca del Parque Nacional Iguazú. Cómo en todas mis fotos en modalidad “cacería”. Es la actividad en fotografía de fauna silvestre que me motiva enteramente. Por ello nunca utilizo posaderos o comederos. Nikon D7000+Nikkor 300F4 300mm. f6.3. 1/500s. iso800 Se […]
Wildlife Flash Photography Tips at Dawn and Dusk
Dusk and dawn are photographically magical times of the day for flash photography. The sky is usually at it very best 15 to 30 minutes before and after the sun has risen or set, that is weather permitting of course. Combine these rich colours creating stunning backdrops with an interesting well-lit subject at exactly the […]
Damita – Rufous-backed Negrito (Lessonia rufa)
Me presento, me llamo Daniel Vago, soy de Argentina, y este es mi primer post. La foto que les muestro a continuación fué tomada en San Martín de los Andes, provincia de Neuquén, en el área Tromen del Parque Nacional Lanín. Se trata de un Sobrepuesto (hembra), Rufous-backed Negrito (Lessonia rufa). La luz reinante no […]