A trip to Yarner Wood on Dartmoor at this time of year is always a treat, although on this occasion the weather was a little against us with low temperatures and light rain, though it did brighten up a bit in the afternoon. Pied Flycatchers are one of the main attractions here with nest boxes […]
Tag: Wood Warbler

Global Big Day
Yesterday I teamed up with Jonathan and Re’a to take part in Global Big Day. Our plan was to record as many species as possible, and also to connect with some specialties that are less likely to get recorded elsewhere. We did not plan our route too carefully, as this was not a competition but […]

Day and night
What an excellent day this was. In the morning I checked Baths of Aphrodite, mainly inside the caravan park. It was alive with migrants – not huge numbers on the ground but cool stuff and some cooperative birds. Highlights were Barred Warbler, 6 Collared Flycatchers, 5 Wood Warblers, and good movement of hirundines out towards […]

My contribution to Global Big day
Today was eBird’s October Global Big Day. For me it was a day full of family commitments, so all I managed to do is a good and intensive morning session. I birded Tal Shachar and Tsor’a area, mostly solo but I joined some other birders there for short periods. The big September push is gone, […]

Sweden Road Trip
Got back last night from a week-long family trip to Sweden. Sweden is a wonderful country. We landed at Västerås and drove from there up north. First night we stayed near Sandvik, second near Bispgården and then we reached our destination – Luleå in the far north of Sweden. Lots of driving…From a family point […]

Thursley Common
I finally gave in today and drove down to Thursley Common in Surrey to spend some time with the returning Cuckoo that’s taken a liking to having his diet supplemented by the locals. The merits of feeding it I’ll leave for others to debate but although I took no food with me there was a […]

Suffolk Warblers
We parked up at Lakenheath this morning at 6am and took the long walk out to Joist Fen. On arrival there was another guy listening and looking for DB’S Marsh Warbler which we heard as we approached and saw straight away sitting up belting out it’s full repertoire which seemed to include a little Nightingale […]

2016 The Year That Was I
2016 was a good year. Lists are not something I concentrate on but they do give a good idea of how the year has been. My Norwegian year list of 244 (246 2015, 244 2014, 254 2013, 258 2012) was not that outstanding but I did not visit Finnmark or Rogaland during the year which […]