Pipevine Swallowtail

Pipevine Swallowtail

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Pipevine Swallowtail

Canon EOS REBEL T3 @ 50 mm



Date Taken:

Andrew Butterfield

Nature Photography is one of my life’s passions. Not to see the world through a lens but to share and explore the world. I always wanted to be a Biologist, but that never seemed to work out for me. So instead I decided to put my love for nature to good use with photography. I have always loved photography, ever since I was a kid I was always taking pictures. Now that I am older I find I have a talent for photography and a great passion for it. This is an amazing world full of life and it is my dream to travel the world taking photos of all of its amazing life. I hope to help save and conserve the wildlife of this planet.

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