Rewilding Peruvian Spider Monkeys!!!

Rewilding Peruvian Spider Monkeys!!!

Closing out the last days of 2023 and first days of 2024, I want to share the resent Peruvian Spider Monkey (Ateles chamek) REWILDING program activity thanks to the challenging work of scientists, veterinarians and volunteers of the Taricaya Ecological Reserve ( and Kawsay Biological Center ( in the southeastern Amazon rainforest of Peru. As […]

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If Deforestation in the Amazon Continues, the Rainforest Could Become a Dry Savannah, Devastating Capybaras and Other Species

If Deforestation in the Amazon Continues, the Rainforest Could Become a Dry Savannah, Devastating Capybaras and Other Species

The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most biodiverse and ecologically significant regions on Earth. It is home to a staggering array of species, including the largest rodent in the world – the capybara. These adorable, water-loving creatures are an essential part of the Amazon’s delicate ecosystem, but they are now under threat due to […]

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Deforestation could pose disease threat to Amazon’s white-lipped peccaries

Deforestation could pose disease threat to Amazon’s white-lipped peccaries

Ongoing deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest jeopardizes multiple species, such as the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari). It can also increase the risk of other threats like disease, potentially including spillover events from domestic animals. How this is impacting the species remains broadly unknown and understudied, according to a recent paper published in the journal Biological […]

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