Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

Being a new contributor to the blog I now have an opportunity to share these images that I took back in the spring of this year. The pictures portray a youngcommon frog, (Rana temporaria) which is just changing from the tadpole stage in to a froglet, so tiny is it at this stage of life that it can hardly break through the surface tension of the water which creates quite a photograph. The image was taken with the subject in a soft-box. Multiple flash units were used and the light is diffused by pure white plastic sheets lining a tank. I have used the technique a few times with other species and found it to be an effective method. Photoshop was used to “clean” up the image and change the saturation etc


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Charles Fleming

Charles Fleming

Charles Fleming is a wildlife photographer and nature blogger based in South West England. His blog "Wildlife in a Suburban Garden" has more than 1400 entries and a link to his galleries where you can view more than 4000 images from home and abroad, including a gallery of birds of the world featuring photographs of more than 500 species. "My aim is to try and put my readers and viewers intimately close to the subject and to share the thrill of watching and photographing birds and wildlife at close quarters".

Charles Fleming

Charles Fleming

Charles Fleming is a wildlife photographer and nature blogger based in South West England. His blog "Wildlife in a Suburban Garden" has more than 1400 entries and a link to galleries where you can view more than 4000 images from the UK and the rest of the world featuring photographs of more than 500 species. "My aim is to try and put my readers and viewers intimately close to the subject and to share the thrill of watching and photographing birds and wildlife at close quarters".

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