The stories of 7 famous big cats, such as lions and tigers, highlight the devastating consequences of keeping these creatures in captivity or as pets. This article delves into the tragic fate of these well-known big cats, unveiling the causes and dates of their untimely deaths. It emphasizes the urgency of putting an end to the captivity and pet trade of big cats, shedding light on the reasons why they are ill-suited for such environments.
1. Tony the Tiger
Source: Big Cat Rescue/Youtube
Tony was a Bengal tiger kept as a roadside attraction at a truck stop in Louisiana. He died in October 2017 due to kidney failure and complications arising from his captivity. He spent his entire life trapped at a gas station in Gross Tete, Louisiana. Luckily, his death was not in vain as the cage that trapped him was demolished after his death.
2. Cecil the Lion
Source: ABC News/Youtube
Cecil, a famous lion residing in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, was killed in July 2015 by an American trophy hunter who did not have a trophy hunting license. Cecil’s death sparked international outrage and brought attention to the unethical practice of trophy hunting.
3. Mohawk the Lion
Source: The Mapogo Lion/Youtube
Mohawk, one of Kenya’s most famous big cats, died in 2016 after being fatally shot by park rangers. When the animal management team arrived and realized they had no tranquilizers, they shot and killed the lion.
4. Rewa the White Tiger
Rewa, a white tiger at York’s Wild Kingdom in Maine, died in 2020. The exact cause of death was not disclosed, as the park said it was just due to old age.
5. Montecore the Tiger
Source: FIERCE/Youtube
Montecore, known for his role in the Siegfried & Roy show in Las Vegas, attacked Roy Horn during a performance in 2003. Although Montecore was not euthanized, he lived out his remaining years in captivity before passing away due to natural causes in 2014.
6. Kenny the White Tiger
Source: Science ForEveryone/Youtube
Kenny, a white tiger with Down syndrome, died in 2008 at a North Carolina roadside zoo. His early demise was attributed to the inbreeding practices that led to his genetic abnormalities.
The lives and deaths of these 10 famous big cats serve as a painful reminder that captivity and pet ownership are detrimental to their well-being.
From the premature demise of beloved tigers like Tony and Kenya to the tragic ends of lions such as Cecil and Mohawk, these cases underscore the physical and psychological suffering experienced by these animals when denied their natural habitats.
Big cats are apex predators meant to roam vast territories, hunt, and live according to their instincts.
This article by Trinity Sparke was first published by One Green Planet on 18 January 2024. Image Credit :Elina Litovkina/Shutterstock.
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