A little holiday update

A little holiday update

I eventually found up to 9 breeding pairs of Red-backed Shrikes (5 pairs plus single birds at 4 sites) plus Wrynecks at 2 sites so these two species may well have an OK year after all. One of the pairs of Wrynecks had 3 young already out of the nest and I heard their begging call for the first time – a call which can be confused with the song of Firecrest!

One of the pairs of Red-backed Shrikes also had young which had just flown out of the nest and which were much shyer than their parents and kept in the depth of bushes most of the time. Raptors were very scarce with just local breeding and – I had expected to find Honey Buzzards.

Butterflies continued to be my main focus. I added eight new species: Grayling / kystringvinge; Holly Blue / vårblåvinge – a very rare second generation adult; Small White / liten kålsommerfugl; / tiriltungeblåvinge; Small Copper / ildgullvinge; Comma / hivt C; / marimjellerutevinge; / svalestjert – Sara found a caterpillar which we looked after for a few days.

A little holiday update
Dark Green /aglajperlemorvinge

I also managed my first ever picture of the Pearly Heath and managed to see from a picture the spine on the front leg of the male Silver-studded Blue which confirmed my suspicion that the smaller blue butterflies I were seeing were this species and not Idas Blue although as these two species can fly together I could well have seen both.

aglajaperlemorvinge%2BIMG 1569%2Bcopy
Dark Green Fritillary /aglajperlemorvinge
marimjellerutevinge%2BIMG 1638%2Bcopy
Heath Fritillary /marimjellerutevinge
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Heath Fritillary /marimjellerutevinge
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Queen of Spain Fritillary / sølvkåpe
kaiserk%25C3%25A5pe%2BIMG 4554%2Bcopy
Silver washed fritillary / keiserkåpe
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Silver washed fritillary / keiserkåpe
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High Brown Fritillary /adippeperlemorvinge
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High Brown Fritillary /adippeperlemorvinge
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High Brown Fritillary /adippeperlemorvinge
argusbl%25C3%25A5vinge%2BIMG 4460%2Bcopy
Silver-studded Blue/argusblåvinge This shows, I believe the spur on the front leg
argusbl%25C3%25A5vinge%2Bpigg%2BIMG 4470%2Bcopy
same butterfly and the spur can be seen!
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another assumed Silver-studded Blue/argusblåvinge
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same individual. Here a forward pointing spur can be seen on the middle leg but this is apparantly also seen in Idas
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same individual
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Common Blue / tiriltungeblåvinge
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Holly Blue / vårblåvinge – a very rare second generation adult
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Grayling / kystringvinge
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Swallowtail caterpillar

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it sticks this out as a defense mechanism and it emits a foul smell (although we didn’t detect the smell)
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Common (musvåk)
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a very unexpected mid summer (kortneggbås)
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a very well marked old female (tornskate)
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a more normally marked female
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another more normally marked female
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and another boldly marked old female who I also saw with a bird in her beak
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who was mother to this youngster
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and paired with this male
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(vendehals) with a beak full of ant larvae which it was taking to fledged youngsters
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Slow worm (stålorm)
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this year seems to have been very god for breeding Swallows and there are many youngsters on the wing
kongeskipet%2BIMG 1804%2Bcopy
Norways royal yacht


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Simon Rix

Simon Rix

Simon Rix is an English Birder who has lived in Oslo, Norway since 2001. Birding has been his passion since primary school and after an education as an economist and career within oil and gas and then drinks industry he turned his attention full time to birds as middle age approached. He is particularly interested in patch birding and migration and is an active guide, blogger and photographer. He is a member of the Norwegian Rarities Committee (NSKF).

Simon Rix

Simon Rix

Simon Rix is an English Birder who has lived in Oslo, Norway since 2001. Birding has been his passion since primary school and after an education as an economist and career within oil and gas and then drinks industry he turned his attention full time to birds as middle age approached. He is particularly interested in patch birding and migration and is an active guide, blogger and photographer. He is a member of the Norwegian Rarities Committee (NSKF).

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