A Mouth Full

A Mouth Full

Factoid: The Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus), also known as Sulfur-breasted Toucan or Rainbow-billed Toucan, is a colorful Latin American member of the toucan family. It is the national bird of Belize.

A very productive morning, very close to Nicaragua . Seems the keel billed mafia, loves to fly in invade the berry laden trees. A bit of a chore to photograph as they are quite the hoppers, and tend to not sit for long. Despite dark, and over cast conditions, patience pays off….

It was a fantastic am to watch them select the best berries, throw their bills up, and catch them as they rolled down the hatch, all the time never taking their eyes off the suspicious photographers!

Click on image to darken the surrounding canvas.”Remember we are all just one shutter click away from an award winning image!”

A Mouth Full

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Don Hamilton

Don Hamilton Jr. from Boca Raton is a passionate Wildlife, and Nature photographer. Don has been practicing Nuclear Medicine Cardiology Imaging for over 30 years in South Florida; he is also a frequent contributor to the Clewiston News, and the South Florida Water Management Districts publications. A passion to share nature’s many delights and to promote conservation is his driving force that propels Don too purse excellence in photography.


Don Hamilton

Don Hamilton Jr. from Boca Raton is a passionate Wildlife, and Nature photographer. Don has been practicing Nuclear Medicine Cardiology Imaging for over 30 years in South Florida; he is also a frequent contributor to the Clewiston News and the South Florida Water Management Districts publications. A passion to share nature’s many delights and to promote conservation is his driving force that propels Don to pursue excellence in photography.

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