So many of us grew up with Wiley Coyote doing everything under the sun to catch the quick Roadrunner. As a child, I used to watch the coyote develop elaborate plans to catch the roadrunner for a quick meal, only to have things backfire and leaving the coyote in a “lost again” situation. Well, in […]
Author: Jim Braswell

The Acrobatic Humpbacks of Baja (Mexico)
A couple of years ago, I went on a 10-day Baja (Mexico) boat trip that was simply outstanding. One of the highlights was seeing the incredibly acrobatic humpback whales of the southern Baja region. When we reached this area (near Cabo San Lucas), we ran upon a pod of ~12 Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that began […]

Birds of the Prairie, Part 2
In Part 1 of “Birds of the Prairie“, I highlighted the Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus), a wonderful bird of our midwestern prairies and marshes. Today’s Part 2 focuses on an equally impressive bird, the Short-Eared Owl (Asio flammeus), a new “life bird” for me. The Short-Eared Owl is no longer a year-round resident of the Missouri […]

Birds of the Prairie, Part 1
Living in the US heartland, much of our prairie land has been lost to development. However, our remaining prairies can be a fun place to bird and enjoy wildflowers. In Part 1, I will share some of my recent prairie bird images that I have made this winter in several Missouri prairies. The feature of […]