Ranulph Fiennes labels trophy hunters ‘bullying bastards’ and calls for UK import ban

Ranulph Fiennes labels trophy hunters ‘bullying bastards’ and calls for UK import ban

Banning the import and export of big game hunting trophies would recognise the destructive impact European powers have had on wildlife in former African and Asian colonies, Sir Ranulph Fiennes has said. Speaking to the Guardian, the veteran British explorer said hunting endangered species such as rhinos, elephants and lions to keep their body parts […]

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113 Animal Species Identified as Needing “Urgent” Help After Record-Breaking Australian Fires

113 Animal Species Identified as Needing “Urgent” Help After Record-Breaking Australian Fires

Australia was having an extinction crisis before the fires hit. There were 511 animal species, 1,356 plant species and 82 distinct ecological communities nationally threatened. But the fires were devastating and record breaking. One-third of koalas (an already endangered species) were killed and scientists estimate that over one billion animals died. And now there are […]

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