Birds of Ecuador around Mindo

Birds of Ecuador around Mindo

Part 03/8 of Glenn Bartley’s month-long trip around Ecuador. Our next stop was the famous Mindo area where we spent some time photographing one of my favorite Ecuadorian Hummingbirds – the Velvet-purple Coronet (seen below balancing on a branch) .

We also got some great looks at a few beautiful Tanagers (such as the Golden-naped Tanager and Fawn-breasted Tanager (seen below) and had an incredible encounter with a group of lekking Club-winged Manakins (see below). Day trips to a Butterfly Garden and to a local Cloud Forest Reserve rounded out our time in the northwest.

If you think that a bird photography adventure to Ecuador might interest you make sure to e-mail me to sign up for the wish list for my workshop that will begin in 2013. Article written and images fully copyrighted by Glenn Bartley.

Birds of Ecuador around Mindo
Club-winged Manakin (Machaeropterus deliciosus) perched on a branch in Ecuador at a lek site.
Velvet purple Coronet 24
Velvet-purple Coronet (Boissonneaua jardini) perched on a branch at the Mindo Loma reserve in northwest Ecuador.
Fawn breasted Tanager 01
Fawn-breasted Tanager (Pipraeidea melanonota) perched on a branch in Ecuador.

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Glenn Bartley

Glenn Bartley

Glenn Bartley is a professional nature photographer who specializes in photographing birds in their natural habitat. He currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia on Canada’s West Coast. Glen runs instructional photo workshops throughout the year to exciting destinations around the world. Upcoming trips include Vancouver Island, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Churchill Manitoba and Peru. He focuses on birds because there are so many species, they can be found almost anywhere, they are challenging to photograph and beautiful to watch.

Glenn Bartley

Glenn Bartley

Glenn Bartley is a professional nature photographer who specializes in photographing birds in their natural habitat. He currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia on Canada’s West Coast. Glen runs instructional photo workshops throughout the year to exciting destinations around the world. Upcoming trips include Vancouver Island, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Churchill Manitoba and Peru. He focuses on birds because there are so many species, they can be found almost anywhere, they are challenging to photograph and beautiful to watch.

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