Petition: Tell Authorities to Explore Non-lethal Alternatives to Manage the Barred Owl Population

Petition: Tell Authorities to Explore Non-lethal Alternatives to Manage the Barred Owl Population

A controversial plan by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service aims to cull up to 452,000 barred owls to protect the northern spotted owl populations on the West Coast. This drastic measure has sparked significant opposition due to its potential impact on barred owls, risk to spotted owls and local wildlife, and the environment. Sign […]

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Petition: Help Save the Borneo Pygmy Elephant from Extinction

Petition: Help Save the Borneo Pygmy Elephant from Extinction

In tragic news, the Borneo pygmy elephant – the smallest living elephant – is teetering on the brink of extinction. With only about 1,000 of these majestic creatures left in the wild, urgent action is necessary. Deforestation, human-wildlife conflict, and increasing agricultural pressures threaten their survival. While the Malaysian and Indonesian governments have plans to […]

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