Petition: Help Hold Marineland’s Leadership Accountable for Animal Cruelty

Petition: Help Hold Marineland’s Leadership Accountable for Animal Cruelty

Marineland is an infamous park in Ontario, Canada, known for allowing its captive animals to suffer. For example, one killer whale there named Kiska has become known as “the world’s loneliest orca” due to her severe isolation and obvious signs of psychological distress. Now Ontario’s government is holding the park accountable for breaking animal cruelty […]

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Petition: Tell Lawmakers in California and Hawaii to Ban Octopus Farming

Petition: Tell Lawmakers in California and Hawaii to Ban Octopus Farming

Washington state just took a major step forward to protect the intelligent, sensitive, wonderful creatures that are octopuses. Its legislators passed the world’s first-ever law to ban Octopus farming, which is fraught with cruelty and environmental hazards. As the bill’s sponsor, state representative Strom Peterson, said: “Octopus farming leads to suffering and sickness for one […]

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Petition: Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada

Petition: Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada

In Churchill, Manitoba, a small, remote town known as ‘the polar bear capital of the world,’ a remarkable story of coexistence and conservation is unfolding. The town’s innovative and humane methods of managing polar bear encounters, including the Polar Bear Alert program and the polar bear holding facility, are making significant strides in balancing human […]

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Petition: Urge Montana to Reintroduce Wolves to Their Natural Habitat

Petition: Urge Montana to Reintroduce Wolves to Their Natural Habitat

Wolves are extremely important for a healthy, well-balanced ecosystem and for ensuring proper biodiversity. But even though wolves used to freely roam most of North America, they’ve been hunted and demonized into near-extinction. Now, some dedicated wildlife officials are working hard to fix this problem. After three years of meticulous planning and research, the Colorado […]

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