Petition: Tell the Victorian Government to Rescind Classification of Dingoes as “Unprotected Wildlife”

Petition: Tell the Victorian Government to Rescind Classification of Dingoes as “Unprotected Wildlife”

The Victorian government in Australia recently made a reckless decision that puts dingoes at risk of extinction. A government order has extended the right to kill dingoes across large parts of eastern Victoria until 2028, threatening the survival of this keystone species. Sign the petition to urge the Victorian government to rescind the harmful order […]

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Petition: Demand Accountability for Man Who Shot and Killed 80+ Animals

Petition: Demand Accountability for Man Who Shot and Killed 80+ Animals

A horrifying event unfolded in Prunedale, California, as a local man unleashed a three-hour shooting spree killing 80 animals, including miniature horses, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and birds. This devastating incident highlights a severe gap in our gun safety laws that fail to protect all lives – human and animal alike. While it’s […]

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