CARE Calls Upon Congress to Abandon Sequestration and Fully Fund the National Wildlife Refuge System

CARE Calls Upon Congress to Abandon Sequestration and Fully Fund the National Wildlife Refuge System

The Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement (CARE) urges Congress to ensure a future for America’s wildlife heritage and fully fund our National Wildlife Refuge System. Sequestration could cut the Refuge System’s budget by nearly 10%, but coupled with an additional annual appropriation cut, the overall impact could be as much as 20%. The U.S. Fish […]

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I don’t know what American grade school kids are being taught these days – I left Oakville Elementary a couple of decades ago (Okay, fine—several decades ago) and since I haven’t had kids of my own I don’t have access to 21st century homework assignments. But I’ll go out on a limb here and bet […]

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