Hey hey! A long-tailed weasel! I saw this little friend while hanging out in PikaLand. My patience level can be pretty limited sometimes, but not when it comes to pikas, so I was rewarded by them and this long-tailed weasel, who was really curious about what I was, who I was, and what the hell I was up to.
He noticed me from pretty far off and slyly and slowly made his way within maybe 10 feet at the closest. He was crazy hyperactive though, so I’m surprised I got any decent photos of the crazy nut.
As freaking cute as this weasel is, unfortunately, his kind does eat pikas. (This is a bummer, but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do I guess).
Sir weasel, may I suggest a bed of lettuce with some grilled tempeh instead?

Jill Wussow
Jill Wussow, 31, is a seasonal field biologist, nature photographer and nomad. She has worked with several federally endangered bird species (including the Golden-cheeked Warbler, Black-capped Vireo and Piping Plover), sea turtles, and bats all over the United States. She is rarely in one place for more than a few months at a time and her whereabouts are often confusing. Field work has given her great opportunity to travel often and meshes with her passion for wildlife and nature photography perfectly. Through her photography, Jill hopes to convey her love and respect of the natural world.
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