Pine martens have returned to a wild lands area of south-west England after an absence of more than a century. Fifteen of the tree-climbing mammals – eight adult females and seven adult males – have been released at secret locations in Dartmoor this fall. It’s the first phase in a conservation initiative that aims to […]
Tag: Weasel

Thousands of wild animals ‘slaughtered’ every year to protect shooting for sport on grouse moors
An Oxford-led academic study has claimed a staggering 260,000 animals are killed in Scotland every year to protect the grouse population for shooting on country estates. They said the practice of using traps to cull predators on Scottish moors causes “tremendous, unjustifiable suffering” to creatures and must be fully banned. Animals targeted include foxes, weasels, […]

Help to stop the slaughter of badgers in the UK
After 5 years spent fighting the ever expanding badger cull here in the UK I have now moved on to Art as Activism with the casting in foundry bronze of the first of my limited edition small Badger sculptures. These badgers are hand sized and are the small scale models (maquettes) of the much larger […]

Daily Dose of Cute
Hey hey! A long-tailed weasel! I saw this little friend while hanging out in PikaLand. My patience level can be pretty limited sometimes, but not when it comes to pikas, so I was rewarded by them and this long-tailed weasel, who was really curious about what I was, who I was, and what the hell […]

Wildlife Slaughter in South Dakota
Imagine my amazement this morning to see a Google advertisement inviting me to hunt wildlife in South Dakota – and I live in Switzerland! It seems that South Dakota is being promoted as the ideal tourist destination for wildlife hunting. So I clicked on the advertisement and within a few minutes realized that wildlife hunting […]