February draws to a close

February draws to a close

Eurasian Spoonbill ad 9247
An adult Eurasian Spoonbill poses at La Janda

White Storks 9103
White Storks

Alcala de Los Gazules 0419
Alcala de Los Gazules

Black Kite 1794
Black Kite

Booted Eagle w1610
Booted Eagle

Carpenter Bee Asphodel 0353
Carpenter Bee on an Asphodel

Carpenter Bee Wisteria 1828
…another on Wisteria

Cetti's Warbler 7028
Cetti’s Warbler hiding

Common Cranes 9309
Common Cranes are heading north…

Glossy Ibis sunset 3921
…As Glossy Ibis arrive from the south!

Corn Bunting 1216
Corn Bunting singing amongst the lush greenery

Green Sandpiper r1822
Green Sandpiper feeding

Green Sandpipers 9590
Green Sandpipers

Hen Harrier adm 1296
Male Hen Harrier at La Janda

Hoopoe r1083
Hoopoe in spring

Little Egret 0473
Little Egret

Iberian Wall Lizard 1825
Iberian Wall Lizard basking in the sun

Marsh Harrier adult female 0768
Female Marsh Harrier displaying

Marsh Harrier adf 0760
Female Marsh Harrier displaying

Marsh Harrier 0686
Female Marsh Harrier displaying

Marsh Harrier 0706
and calling…

Nightingale 9939
Nightingales arrive but as yet silent. Not like this chap from last year!

Purple Swamphen 0624
Purple Swamphen

Northern Gannets Strait 9835
Adult Gannets head out of the Mediterranean to breed in the north

Shipping Sun Strait Feb 9882
Atlantic spring storms do help in bringing birds from the south

Short toed Eagle r1459
Short-toed Eagles are calling above Barbate Marismas

Sardinian Warbler 0502
Female Sardinian Warbler

Wind Turbine BW Kite 9709
A Black-winged Kite passes dangerously close to a wind turbine

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Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly, has been birding since he was eight years old in his native Scotland. After living in Germany and France he established Andalucian Guides the successful birding and wildlife tour company on The Strait of Gibraltar in Spain and has been living here since 2001. Photographing birds in flight is one passion and his photos can be found in many books, magazines and journals. Studying bird behaviour and bird migration are two other positive aspects of being based on one of the busiest migration routes on Earth.

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