Lapwings and Water rail: mirror, shine and attitudes

Lapwings and Water rail: mirror, shine and attitudes

Vanellus vanellus –

3 Northern lapwings landed about 60 m from the hide, the distance was a pity but the show was great!

3 Vanneaux huppés se sont posés peu avant que le râle n’apparaisse, à environ 60 mètres de nous: même avec le 500 mm c’était juste en distance.



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Rallus aquaticus – This appeared all of a sudden behind the lapwings… the distance was quite frustrating! But it was amusing to see it walk fast between them before crossing the water to our bank.

Hélas la proximité toujours le problème, ce râle est sorti derrière les vanneaux mais c’était amusant de le voir passer au milieu d’eux et traverser le petit bras d’eau pour rejoindre la rive où nous nous trouvions, mais nous ne l’avons pas revu.

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Les reflets dans l’eau font toute l’image mais hélas il est toujours trop loin!
The colorful reflexions enhance this image, the bird unfortunately never came closer:

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Dernier coup d’œil aux vanneaux qui font leur toilette l’un après l’autre…
Back to the 3 lapwings busy bathing and preening…

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Passionate about Nature and photography but mostly animals and birds. I live in France at the present, but have lived in Africa for 16 years and in the U.S. for 3 years and with Australia in mind for the future. With my husband, I created and managed a Bird Park in South Africa, raising mainly psittacines; the breeding facility housed over 1000 parrots at any given time. My photography is about sharing fauna's beauty with other enthusiasts! Equipment: NIKON lenses: 400 mm Z F4/5, 800 mm Z, 500 mm, 200/500 mm, 800 mm f5/6E

Noushka Wildlife

Passionate about Wildlife, Photography and Wildlife issues. I live in the south of France at the present, but have lived in Africa for 18 years, in the U.S. for 3 years. With my husband, I created and managed a BIRD PARK in South Africa, raising mainly psittacines; the breeding facility housed over 1000 parrots at any given time. I speak French and English alike and manage decently in Spanish. My photography is about sharing fauna's beauty with other enthusiasts! Equipment: ALL NIKON Cameras: Z9, D850 Tele lenses: 70/200 mm f2/8, 500 mm f4, 800 mm Z f6/3, Zoom lenses: 24/105 mm, 200/500 mm * * * My work can be seen HERE:

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