This beautiful Bald Eagle is a frequent visitor to our camp on Parks Pond in Maine. This morning she (we named her Emily) landed in perfect view with the sun in her face. Took this shot with my Canon 7D, 300/2.8 at ISO 200. I was excited to see the moment of capture during upload. I hope you like it.

Jack Zievis
Hiking in the wild, observing nature and being able to use my favorite hobby to record it has always been a dream and now retired, a reality. I have enjoyed photography since my youth and started taking images more seriously about 35 years ago with my first Mamiya pro flim camera. Purchased a Canon EOS 35 mm in 1985 and switched to digital when the 20D hit the market. My hobby is now my obsession as I travel with my 7D at my side. Living in Florida during the winter and Maine in the summer, I'm able to take advantage of two distinctly different areas. I surely hope others enjoy my photography, seeing the beauty of nature and realizing the need to preserve it.
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