Man Intentionally Hits Alligator and Nest with Lawn Mower

Man Intentionally Hits Alligator and Nest with Lawn Mower

A man in Florida was arrested for intentionally hitting an alligator and destroying the alligator’s nest with a lawnmower.

Wildlife officials were called to the location when a 6-foot alligator was reportedly injured. A witness told the officials that he had seen a man riding a lawnmower near the area.

The man had first scared off the alligator and drove on but the alligator had climbed back on the bank, likely because there was a nest with eggs to protect.

When the driver saw the alligator return, he drove back on the lawnmower. After trying to scare it away again, the driver dropped the lawn mower deck directly on top of the alligator.

The witness was able to record the whole incident. The video showed not only showed the driver hitting the alligator and dropping the mower blades on top of the alligator twice before the alligator retreated back into the water.

The lawnmower deck was also dropped onto the alligator nest, causing several eggs to be destroyed.

Wildlife officials found the alligator in the water, still alive but mortally wounded. There were severe lacerations to the head, eyes, back, and tail.

They were no longer able to move their back legs and just floated in the water. Thus, officials decided that it would be most humane to euthanize the alligator.

The man was charged with three counts of killing or capturing alligator eggs. As well as intentionally killing an animal with excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain.

This article by Abigail Jane was first published by OneGreenPlanet on 3 September 2021. Lead Image Source : Jack Kelly/Unsplash.

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