After a very difficult week at work I needed a little birding therapy this morning without the driving so an early run over to Fishers Green gave me just the wind down I needed. The dawn chorus was in full swing as I arrived with at least three Nightingales singing and waiting for the girls to arrive. A Cuckoo called constantly with a female responding on occasion.
Blackcaps were present in good numbers but I failed to find any Garden Warbler. A Lesser Whitethroat called and a Common Whitethroat showed well as it called. Common Terns are now present and a surprise was a single first summer Little Gull from the watchpoint.
All in all a very pleasant walk and home for breakfast by 9.30am and a continuance of the wind down.

Brian Anderson
Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.
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