Results of the Best Photo of the Month October 2018

Results of the Best Photo of the Month October 2018

We are delighted to announce the results of our latest photo competition. Noushka Wildlife wins First Prize for her brilliant image ‘Dancing Hoopoe’. Myer Bornstein wins Second Prize for his outstanding image ‘Drinking’. Third Prize goes to Candy McManiman for her inspiring photo ‘Bad Hair Day’. See detailed results below: (click on thumbnails for slideshow). […]

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You buff beauty

You buff beauty

Sometimes the stars do align properlyin the sky. This morning I had a meeting up north. I decided well in advance to avoid traffic, leave home early and bird somewhere along the coast north of Tel Aviv metropolin. Yesterday evening, mega news broke of the first Buff-breasted Sandpiper for Israel, found by Gal Sherbelis, exactly […]

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