Habitat Search Led Me To Purple Finches

Habitat Search Led Me To Purple Finches

Sometimes I will just drive around country roads and look for habitat that I think might be good for birds rather than go to places I’m already familiar with. I’ll look for things like water features, berry bushes, weeds, cedar trees, tall grass, and shrubs.

If I see signs of bird activity I’ll stop and check it out. this time I as rewarded with a nice view of a pair of Purple Finches stuffing their bills.The male Purple Finch is on the top.It has more of araspberry color to it versus the reddish color of the male House Finches.

I don’t see a lot of Purple Finches so I’m always happy to come across them.

The female has a sort whitish eyebrow mark.

Sometimes my initial roadside search I will explore the area in further detail. I came across this little area near some hilltop power lines where someone created a nice little stone sanctuary. Birding can become routine and predictable so heading out blindly with binoculars and using your own instincts to look for birds can be a rewarding way to go about it.


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Fabiola Forns

Fabiola Forns

Fabiola Forns is artistically inclined and after dabbling in creative writing, music and oil painting, has found her true call in wildlife photography. An extensive traveler, she has lived in Europe, New York and Puerto Rico, finally making Miami her permanent home. Fabiola holds a degree in Human Resources from St. Thomas University in Miami, and is also Adjunct Faculty at Miami-Dade College, as photography instructor. She tries to merge visual arts with realistic photographs and her style fluctuates between serene landscapes and bold abstracts.

Fabiola Forns

Fabiola Forns

Fabiola Forns is artistically inclined and after dabbling in creative writing, music and oil painting, has found her true call in wildlife photography. An extensive traveler, she has lived in Europe, New York and Puerto Rico, finally making Miami her permanent home. Fabiola holds a degree in Human Resources from St. Thomas University in Miami, and is also Adjunct Faculty at Miami-Dade College, as photography instructor. She tries to merge visual arts with realistic photographs and her style fluctuates between serene landscapes and bold abstracts.

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