Great Black Wasp

Great Black Wasp

Great black wasps are big — up to almost an inch and a half long — and dramatically black with blue iridescence on the wings. I saw a few of them on summersweet (Cethra alnifolia) and milkweed bushes in Brooklyn Bridge Park this week. Adult great black wasps eat flower nectar and are important pollinators. […]

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Ebony Jewelwing

Ebony Jewelwing

The Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata) is doubtless the most easily identified damselfly in the Eastern U.S.. It’s large size (1 3/4 inches) and distinctive black wings make it easy to spot and observe. The abdomen of the male is a brilliant metallic green, but often (as in these photos) appears blue. Females are duller and […]

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