Snapping Turtle!

Snapping Turtle!

I saw this big snapping turtle sunning himself on the shore of The Reservoir in Central Park on one of the first warm sunny days of the year last week. The snapping turtle is New York’s official state reptile. Big ones can grow to around 18 inches long and weigh about 35 pounds. Wild snappers […]

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Little guys

Little guys

Welcome! hello there! I’d write more but my hands are frozen and typing is no fun (excuses, excuses, eh? Mmhmm)! Yeah…Texas, what? 35 degrees this morning? I do not approve. I’m craving my happy-thriving temperature of 84 and above. This 30’s thing this is pretty unacceptable. I’m not made for this nonsense, guys! But hey, […]

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Hyotanike Lake

Hyotanike Lake

This morning I had a little bit of time and the weather was great, so I went to nearby Hyotanike lake to see what was happening. This lake has very nice scenery but is usually a bit low on bird life other than the resident Mallard and some introduced ducks. But the Barn Swallows love […]

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