Jilguero – Jilguero Europeo
Jag har som tradition att komma ut till ett gömsle för kungsörn varje år, detta besök blir min femte gång jag sitter och fotograferar örn. Dagen börjar klockan 05 och temperaturen ute är minus 12 grader, klockan 06.30 är jag framme vid gömslet gryningen är vid 07.30 så tid för att komma i ordning, rigga […]
Rhawdat Khuraim in winter
Rhawdat Khuraim is an oasis 80 kilometres north west of Riyadh. It proved to be an excellent place for passage birds when visited last spring. So we visited it again, this time obviously in winter to see what it might hold. In many ways it was a bit disappointing. Only two warblers were seen. These […]
A Sheep in Wolves Clothing…
Take some time to learn about the amazing social structure of the Lycaon pictus or “painted wolf”, the scientific name of the African Wild Dog. While it is true that this species is perhaps one of the most efficient hunters in Africa, it also may be one of the most tender hearted. Wild dogs will […]
Fringilla montifringilla Passeriformes – Fringillidae Pinsons du nordComme ils migrent et que peu viennent chez moi, je les prends en photo dès que l’occasion se présente. Si les dames ont été prises dans mon jardin, il m’a fallu trouver ce mâle ailleurs! Since this beautiful species migrate and do not occur much in my garden, […]
Best Photo of the Week Ended 19 Jan 2013
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Margarita Steinhardt wins First Prize for her outstanding photo “Thorny Devil”. John Andrew Wright wins Second Prize with “Hooded Crane dancing before their juvenile offspring” and Daniel Vago wins Third Prize with “Violaceus Euphonia”. The voting for all […]
Cape Spurfowl – Pternistis capensis
I have recently returned from a trip to South Africa and specifically Cape Town, an exciting and interesting place for all sorts of reasons. The wildlife opportunities are immense and varied with a vast variety of birdlife. One bird that I found interesting and very approachable was the Cape Spurfowl or Cape Francolin Pternistis capensis. […]
Moths migrate too, sometimes.
I started getting a bit bored with a lack of things to photograph a little while ago because it was blah and gray outside, so I started taking my headlamp and my macro lens outside at night to see what I could find. Insect friends! The only one I can identify is the last one, […]