OK, So I Started a 2013 Bird Year List
Yup, I’ve never really been into listing birds. Certainly I keep track of the birds I see on bird walks and outings and report sightings on eBird, but I never kept a yard list , county list, state list, or even a life list. To tell you the truth, I don’t know how many birds […]
Northern Territory Road trip (Part III – Alice Springs to Devil’s Marbles)
Alice Springs – Wycliffe Well – Before heading out further afield we decided to spend a day in Alice Springs to visit the Desert Park to see the endangered Princess Parrot. While I don’t particularly like viewing wildlife in captive settings, the Desert Park has walk in aviaries that are more like spacious islands of […]
Pied-billed Grebe with Crab
This morning I went to Lake Jesup Park on Sanford Ave early before work. I got there just after sunrise, hoping to find an owl or other early riser. I didn’t, but I did find an American Bittern, King Rail and all four wrens we have this time of year (Sedge, Marsh, House, Carolina). There […]
Deffi Park, Jubail
I visited Deffi Park, Jubail for the first time on Thursday. It is a large city- based public park two kilometres inland from the Persian gulf. It is one of the best places apparently for migrant Eurasian thrushes and finches to be pushed down in mid winter. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t see one blackbird […]
Jetty Park, 1/12/2013
Yesterday morning I went out to Jetty Park near Port Canaveral. I went there to see gulls. I wanted to see black-backed gulls, but I was also hoping to get better at identifying immature gulls. I’m getting pretty good at identifying adult gulls, but immatures still give me some trouble at times. I didn’t realize […]
And now for something fairly gross.
I’ve been meaning to post these pictures for…months. I don’t generally get too grossed out by insects or the weird stuff they do, but I’m still haunted by whatever is happening in these photos. I wish I could offer some insight or educational information, but I can’t. Anyone? I assume it’s in the early early […]
Mead Gardens, 1/11/2012
This morning I dropped by Mead Gardens before work. It was somewhat quiet, but there were some highlights. A Yellow-rumped Warbler posed nicely for me, as did an Eastern Phoebe. And I also found my first Cedar Waxwings of the year. These are pretty fun birds, and I’m always glad to see them.