The Eurasian Woodcock is a resident breeder in northern Japan, but migrates south in winter to my region. Usually only observed during the night, I spotted this pair on Mount Unzen just after sunset feeding on worms and grubs. Luckily I had the 1D X, as I doubt if any other Canon camera could have […]
Common Nighthawk: ABA Bird of the Year
The ABA bird of the year for 2013 is the Common Nighthawk (you can read more about the choicehere). So this summer, keep your ears tuned in the early morning and evenings! If you hear their distinctive buzzingpeent! call, you may just be hearing a nighthawk. Look up and you may just see them flying […]
The summit peak of Tanzania’s Mt Kilimanjaro is named: Uhuru, Swahili for “Freedom”. Let it be a proud source of inspiration for all of the sanctuaries, parks and wildlife areas it overlooks in both Tanzania and Kenya, to keep its wildlife in safety and freedom for the generations to come. Chyulu Hills, Kenya, near the […]
Tangará Amarillo – Violaceus Euphonia (Euphonia violacea aurantiicollis)
Una bellísima especie (en este caso el macho), cuya fotografía tomé en Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, cerca del Parque Nacional Iguazú. Cómo en todas mis fotos en modalidad “cacería”. Es la actividad en fotografía de fauna silvestre que me motiva enteramente. Por ello nunca utilizo posaderos o comederos. Nikon D7000+Nikkor 300F4 300mm. f6.3. 1/500s. iso800 Se […]
Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina
Although a fairly common bird in western Asia and Europe, the Red-crested Pochard is a very rare but annual visitor to Japan in winter. This female was discovered at a dam in Nagasaki, along with lots of Common Pochard, Tufted Duck, Mandarin Duck, Eurasian Teal and Common Coot. There is also a single Baer’s Pochard […]
American Kestrel with Lunch
This past Saturday at Merritt Island NWR I found an American Kestrel perched on the top of a tree eating his lunch. This Kestrel was in almost the same place where I had seen a Merlin eating a Ruddy Turnstone a couple weeks ago. Usually, these little falcons fly off when I approach, even when […]
Fighting Back…
Desert-Adapted Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis). One of the few populations of rhino with a positive growth trend thanks to the constant vigilance, monitoring, and anti-poaching efforts of the Save the Rhino Trust, local communities and the Government of Namibia. Kunene Region, Namibia. Nikon D3. Nikon 200-400 mm. ISO 800. f4 @ 1/2000 Sec. Lexar […]
The Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis) is Africa’s most endangered carnivore and the rarest Canid worldwide. This female was photographed at 14,000 feet in the Bale Mountains National Park, last stronghold for these wolves. There are fewer than two-hundred and fifty adults left here and less than two hundred other adults found in a few scattered […]