Merritt Island NWR, 12/31/2012

Merritt Island NWR, 12/31/2012

I spent the last morning of the year at Merritt Island. We went by Blackpoint Wildlife Drive and then Biolab Rd. I was hoping to find one more species for the year, but it looks like I’ll have to end the year at 259 Florida birds.

Still, it was a nice, sunny day, and there lots of fun highlights. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many spoonbills on the island. There were easily upwards of 50 Roseate Spoonbills, plus many Glossy and White Ibises.

Ducks were also plentiful, and at times the lighting was pretty good to photograph the numerous Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, and American Wigeon and Hooded Mergansers.

MG 0836 L
Northern Shoveler
MG 0972 L
Northern Shoveler
MG 0942 L
Northern Pintail
MG 1155 L
Hooded Merganser
MG 1116 L
Wood Stork
MG 1274 L
Northern Pintail
MG 1168 L
Hooded Merganser
MG 1215 L
Roseate Spoonbill
MG 1573 L
Glossy Ibis
MG 1584 L
White Ibis
MG 1343 L
Caspian Tern

MG 1249 L

On the way back, we decided to drop by the visitor center to check the bird feeders for Painted Buntings. They show up at the feeders there pretty regularly. I’ve been trying all year to photograph a male Painted Bunting. But all I’ve found all year long were females. So I broke down today and went to a feeder. Here are my first male Painted Bunting photos. Maybe next year, I’ll get some in a more natural setting.

MG 1955 L
Painted Bunting
MG 1959 L
Painted Bunting
MG 1925 L
Painted Bunting


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Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.

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