A couple of year ticks today in the form of the American Wigeon and an Osprey at Rutland Water. The Wigeon took a little work finding it but the Osprey was easy. Rutland has twenty one Osprey this year with a slight in balance of male to female. I’m told eight pairs have been formed […]
Tag: American Wigeon

Two Winter Specialties At Stratford Point
Stratford Point just off I-95 above the Long Island Sound became host to a Short-eared Owl on 2 January according to eBird data. I closely followed reports of the Short-eared Owl on eBird as I had not observed the species in the wild before. As the owl was seen with regularity I began to study […]

Mondo Ponds Nature Preserve Trail
Mondo Ponds Nature Preserve is located in Milford, Connecticut only minutes from I-95 and dozens of other highly valued birding venues. Images presented in this blog article were capture on a pair of visits made to the trail, one in late October and one in late November. While the preserve constitutes nearly 36 acres, I […]

Orlando Wetlands Park, 2/2/2014
What a fantastic morning at Orlando Wetlands Park! The area was just filled with birds. Of course, top on my list was seeing a Vermilion Flycatcher. It was right where has been–in the cypress trees in cell #17. But the area was also filled with other birds. Lots of Blue-winged Teal and Green-winged Teal, as […]

Take a Trip to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR at Wildlife Conservation Stamp Website
Take a tour along with me to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, just posted over at the Wildlife Conservation Stamp website. This incredible wildlife refuge located at the south end of the San Francisco Bay includes 30,000 acres of wetlands, open water, and upland habitats, home to at least 800,000 birds […]

Birds of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
According to the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex website, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge comprises 5,797 acres, including seasonal marsh, permanent ponds, and uplands. It is predominately a hunting refuge for waterfowl and pheasant. Wildlife observation takes place from the county roads, on the perimeter of the refuge. There is one notable exception to this, the […]

Merritt Island NWR, 12/31/2012
I spent the last morning of the year at Merritt Island. We went by Blackpoint Wildlife Drive and then Biolab Rd. I was hoping to find one more species for the year, but it looks like I’ll have to end the year at 259 Florida birds. Still, it was a nice, sunny day, and there […]