Take a Trip to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR at Wildlife Conservation Stamp Website

Take a Trip to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR at Wildlife Conservation Stamp Website

American Wigeon Drake (Anas americana) at Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR by Larry Jordan

Take a tour along with me to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, just posted over at the Wildlife Conservation Stamp website.

This incredible wildlife refuge located at the south end of the San Francisco Bay includes 30,000 acres of wetlands, open water, and upland habitats, home to at least 800,000 birds at any given time and to millions during peak migration!

While you’re there, please click on our Facebook widget and “like us.” You will also want to watch the featured video (located in the sidebar) giving you a tour of the entire San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex.

If you think a Wildlife Conservation Stamp would be a great way to help our National Wildlife Refuge System not only survive, but expand, check out our “About Us” page and join us!

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Larry Jordan

Larry Jordan is an avid birder and amateur photographer living on the Pacific Flyway near the Central Valley of Northern California. He is a board member of his local Audubon Society and is a bird and wildlife conservationist. Larry contributes to several wildlife conservation organizations and is a BirdLife International "Species Champion." He is also Habitat Manager for the Burrowing Owl Conservation Network, an organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Western Burrowing Owl population in the United States. Larry has been blogging about birds since September of 2007 at TheBirdersReport.com


Larry Jordan

Larry Jordan is an avid birder and amateur photographer living on the Pacific Flyway near the Central Valley of Northern California. He is a board member of his local Audubon Society and is a bird and wildlife conservationist. Larry contributes to several wildlife conservation organizations and is a BirdLife International "Species Champion." He is also Habitat Manager for the Burrowing Owl Conservation Network, an organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Western Burrowing Owl population in the United States. Larry has been blogging about birds since September of 2007 at TheBirdersReport.com

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