A pair of Hooded Crane displaying in front of their offspring on a bright, sunny winter morning at Arasaki, Izumi-shi, Kagoshima, Japan.
Northern Territory Road trip (Part I – Uluru to Kings Canyon)
In April 2012 my good friend and I went on a month-long road trip to Australia’s Northern Territory – the state known as the country’s wildlife capital famed for its diverse and spectacular wilderness areas. We started the journey in the coastal town of Elliston in South Australia, crossed the continent to the northern ocean […]
Benteveo gritón (Loud Great Kiskadee)
Aveces las fotos salen bien producto de estar sentado con la cámara lista y tener la suerte de que las aves se posen cerca nuestro como en este caso en el que estando sentado en el patio de mi casa un Pitogüé se posó en la chimenea del respiradero bastante cerca mÃo y mientras lo […]
The Marsh tit… diving!
Parus palustris – Passeriformes – Paridae – La Nonnette – 300 mm + Convert. 1/4 Ici c’est la rafale au /2500è et une bonne lumière naturelle qui m’ont permis ce dernier cliché… Grâce au point rouge sur la tête et au 10ème de seconde d’hésitation de la mésange j’ai obtenu cette netteté… J’étais contente, car […]
Happy New 2013!
So where have the blog gone? Why are you not posting any more, we want to hear some updates… In fact, I can think of so many excuses but the truth is, that I was just too lazy and didn’t have the mood to sit down and write while so many observations and reports have […]
Isahaya Reclaimed Land Areas
This morning I spent a bit of time at Oe before stopping in at Chuo and Moriyama reclaimed land areas. Highlights included Japanese Weasel, Whiskered Tern, Northern Goshawk, White-naped Crane, and Hooded Crane. A Japanese Weasel surveys the reeds for prey as it is silhouetted by the early morning sunlight.
This morning we drove out to Anna Maria Island in the hopes of getting photos of the Razorbills that have been seen there. We were not disappointed. We got there around 11:15, and we found four north of the City Pier. Two of them were very content to feed near the shore. They came very […]