Hear the music of nature, listen to the flappings of wings, and look at the wonders of creation, in our backyards, in the parks, in the mountains, in the forests, everywhere. These are gifts we now cherish. These are treasures we must keep for our children and our children’s children. As we continuously capture thru […]
Mielero (Bananaquit)
Como los veo todos los días no me dedico a fotografiarlos de seguido y aprovechando que hace mas de dos meses que no comparto fotos de Mieleros en el blog publico hoy estas tres fotografías de estos últimos días de algunos Mieleros que se animaron a acercarse un poco mas de lo habitual. Haciendo equilibrio […]
Les moineaux
Le Moineau domestique (Passer domesticus) est une espèce de petits passereaux de la famille des Passeridae. Il se nourrit majoritairement de céréales et d’autres graines, mais sait s’adapter et tirer profit d’autres opportunités, consommant divers invertébrés, les insectes en premier lieu, qui servent par ailleurs d’alimentation de base aux oisillons. Le plumage du Moineau domestique […]
Bolivia Trip Report Part IV
Bolivia is an extremely diverse country when it comes to birds. In fact, some say that if it wasn’t land-locked it would have more species than any other country. Endemism is not especially high but there are some stunners to search for such as the Red-fronted Macaw and Black-hooded Sunbeam. The country lacks a field […]
Red Kite
Milvus milvus – Accipitridae – Accipitriformes One of the few winterers in our area, south of France. We have set up a feeding station for these birds since last year’s cold spell in Febuary. Indeed for 3 weeks, temperatures had plummeted to -15 and unfortunately, many species of birds were decimated. We managed to help […]
Ponce Inlet, 12/26/2012
I returned to Lighthouse Point Park at Ponce Inlet again in the hopes of finding a Razorbill. We found one far off the jetty. My father, who’s in town for Christmas, located it in his scope, and I was able to locate it briefly with my binoculars. It was very far away (I probably would […]
Azamidani in December
I was itching to use the new 1D X at the mountain pond at Azamidani, simply because I wanted to photograph species in natural light. I was hoping for fine conditions, but it was quite overcast resulting in the area around the pond being quite dim. With the 7D, it would have been impossible to […]
Benteveo rayado (Streaked flycatcher)
Esos eran los otros integrantes de la bandadita mixta que les comenté en la entrada anterior cuando mostré las fotografías del Burlisto cola castaña; solamente dos Benteveos rayados acompañaban al grupo de Burlistos, Fiofíos y Suiriríes, me llamó la atención encontrar a esta especie de tiránido en un ambiente abierto como en el que estábamos […]