Our terrace garden is mostly made up of varieties of salvias and fuchsias. Terra cotta pots are placed out and fully planted mostly for New England’s only hummingbird . . . the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, who visits often during the spring and summer months. It is a joy each year to observe breeding hummingbirds […]
Esquivando excremento de Carancho
Lo vi perchando a este solitario Carancho juvenil en el extremo de un árbol en la Estancia Ñu Porá y me acerque a el lo mas que pude aprovechando que la copa de los demás árboles imposibilitaban que el Carancho pueda verme; habré caminado unos 30 metros hasta que me coloqué casi debajo de el; […]
In the last few years I have been fortunate enough to have visited four continents, (if you include my home in Europe) and in the next few days I am off to Africa, my fifth! In the UK the Common Kingfisher is a protected species and I am fortunate enough to have a license to […]
When All Else Fails
The weatherman let me down. Instead of partly sunny as forecast, heavy clouds and fog were all I found at sunrise this morning – and a few snow flakes. I hit the road at 5:45 hoping to get one more chance at eagles before they move out of the area. But it was not to […]
Viera Wetlands, 12/8/2012
This morning I decided to drive down to Viera Wetlands. When I arrived it was very foggy. I was somewhat disappointed, since I couldn’t photograph anything any distance away without losing detail. So of course, this is is when the Peregrine Falcon decided to appear. I found it perched on one of the dead trees. […]
Gorilla gorilla gorilla…
The triple barreled scientific name of the Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) aptly mirrors the number of major threats which this species faces in its struggle for survival. The constant threat of being hunted for bushmeat for an ever growing population; the rapid destruction of habitat from mining, logging and agriculture; and the perilous […]
Monjita blanca (White Monjita)
Únicamente así podía sacarte una foto bien cerca mío, tuviste que venir volando para que no te des cuenta de mi presencia. Este día en particular habíamos visto muchas monjitas con Amado y con Willy, pero estas fieles a su comportamiento abandonaban el lugar ante el menor intento de acercamiento de nuestra parte, salvo en […]