Baby gators! That’s all I got for now. I’m currently on the Texas coast doing a short gig. Not a whole lot of time for play and photos, but managed to snag a few. Love the gator babies. I did come close to falling in the water trying to get these, so much grass and […]

Spanning the Gulf
An ant spans the gulf between growth and decay, a tale of adventure and romance seen through my spyglass – Pavement ant – Tetramorium caespitum

Best Photo of the Week Ended 20 Oct 2012
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition.Fabricio Vasconcelos Costa wins First Prize for his outstanding photo “Hepatic Tanager”.Don Getty wins Second Prize with “Wilson’s Snipe” and Rick Lieder wins Third Prize for the third week running with “A katydid nymph at the brink of dawn”. […]

Stewart McPherson’s Sarraceniaceae volumes reviewed in the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Stewart McPherson is the owner and manager of Redfern Natural History Publications and author of many of its books. His global explorations have afforded him a place of significance in the botanical world, and many of his worldwide field trips have resulted in the classification of new plant species, with a particular emphasis on carnivorous […]

Seabirds & Fishboats (eventually)
Across the Straits A couple of days ago I took our boat over to Bluff to collect a load of diesel fuel. The distance is about 22 miles, wharf to wharf, and Foveaux Straits has the reputation of being an unpleasant stretch of water. Its a well deserved reputation, being quite shallow, with significant tidal […]

Bird Tour Report
Last weekend a US couple residing in Shanghai came over for a few days of birding in my region of Japan. They arrived late Friday afternoon, and we had just enough time to briefly check out Isahaya. We missed the juvenile male Pied Harrier that has been patrolling the area, but it was a nice […]

Log Spotted Owl Habitat Again? Didn’t We Already Make That Mistake Once?
The recent proposed Critical Habitat designation for the Northern Spotted Owl does not protect the threatened species charge the Society for Conservation Biology, The Wildlife Society, American Bird Conservancy, and other groups. Comments submitted by the groups find that, by encouraging controversial and unproven logging practices in owl habitat, the draft plan fails to provide […]

From Cape Trafalgar to La Janda
The Natural Park at Barbate which incorporates two different areas covering over 5,000 hectares is quite unique and diverse for wildlife. This is a view of the pine forest of La Breña, taken from the summit of the Sierra de Retin. Cape Trafalgar is just around the corner and the cliff top walk from the […]