Afgelopen zaterdag was de laatste dag van mijn expositie in het bezoekerscentrum “De Trekvogel” van het Flevolandschap in Almere (bij de Lepelaarplassen). Kon daar al bijtijds terecht om de spullen op te ruimen en heb de kans maar waargenomen om een zonsopkomst daar mee te maken met fraaie luchten boven de Oostvaardersplassen. Tevens in gedachten […]
When Loons Attack
I’ve learned a lot while watching a group of loons on our pond this year. They are very social with one another and with me. They are very aggressive hunters and work as a group to catch their prey. This shot was taken from my kayak with a Canon 7D and Canon 300/2.8 lens. Parks […]
Black Swallowtail Butterfly Metamorphosis
A striking male Black Swallowtail . . . the first of its kind to emerge in my barn studio last year. I was lucky early May to see this female attaching an egg to a Bishop’s weed leaf along the garden path. She may well have overwintered here in her pupa state. After she flies […]
Indian palm squirrel
It was a cool morning when i was birding outerskirts of my town named Syed Nagli. I was not lucky at that day as i couldn’t get any satisfactory bird frame. I was getting tired so i sat down on the Earth near a tree. As i was taking a rest, suddenly, i saw this […]
Wood Frog, Boreal Forest vernal pool reptile
Wood Frog (Rana sylvaticus) lives in small vernal pools in Maine’s north woods. They are the first to breed in the spring…as their homes often dry up in summer and then they can only be found under logs and dead leaves. Wood Frog link Sometimes no more than a “puddle” in the forest, vernal pool […]
Demanding Answers
Two easily offended songbirds demand answers, incompatible on either side of a breeze. • Sparrow | Passer domesticus
Spotted Harrier | Circus assimilis
Three species of harrier are found in Australia, those being the Swamp Harrier, Papuan Harrier and the Spotted Harrier. The Spotted Harrier (also known as the Smoke Hawk) is in some respects a unique harrier and highlights the way species adapt to their environment by changing basic instincts so as to survive in a demanding […]
Kingfisher, Kotare, Halcyon sancta vagans
KingFisher Mill Creek is home to at least one pair of Kingfishers. The tidal stream flats being an ideal hunting zone. The nest banks are quite close, and the trees and powerlines make idealsurveillanceperches. Kingfishers are not particularly numerous around Stewart Island, but most tidal inlets and streams seem to have a resident pair. For […]