Nursery Spiders or what are those white things we see on roadside bushes ?? We take them for granted as just part of the local scenery, but several of our overseas guests have asked me just that this summer. The short answer is they are the “nursery” nests of a group of spiders native to […]
Author: Peter Tait

Rats, here we go again ???
Last night I was rung by the Local Dept of Conservation Field Manager. She told me DoC had just caught 3 rats on Ulva Island. This is sodisappointing, not that a rat has re-invaded, which was always known would happen but that three were caught over the same trap period. We can only hope that […]

Seabirds & Fishboats (eventually)
Across the Straits A couple of days ago I took our boat over to Bluff to collect a load of diesel fuel. The distance is about 22 miles, wharf to wharf, and Foveaux Straits has the reputation of being an unpleasant stretch of water. Its a well deserved reputation, being quite shallow, with significant tidal […]

Stewart Island.. The Worlds Largest Predator Free Environment ??
New Zealand And Introduced Predators As far as I am aware only New Zealand and Hawaii were mammal free lands before the arrival of human beings, and as such have very real issues with some of the mammalian species which have since arrived, either as accidental or later regretted introductions. Because of course our ecosystems […]

Spring & Gluttony
It’s hard not to enjoy a lift in spirits in spring, particularly with the new life that appears. I grew up on a Southland sheep farm, and lambing was my favorite time of year, even though the weather could make it physically demanding at times. Well I’m long past that, but even now watching new […]

Fantail, Piwakawaka, Rhipidura fuliginosa
Our daughter Anne is visiting for a week and I took her and our three Border Terriers over to Lee Bay to give the dogs a run on the beach. And on the road back came across a trio of fantails playing above the road, and I had my camera for once. Fantails are really […]

Paradise Shelduck – Putangitangi – Tadorna variegata
Paradise Shelducks The first Paradise Ducks I ever saw on Stewart Island were a group of 4 one or two day old ducklings given to us to raise years ago. They were the survivors of a clutch hatched at the Neck. The parent birds having “immigrated” a couple of years before. Paradise Ducks are very […]

Kingfisher, Kotare, Halcyon sancta vagans
KingFisher Mill Creek is home to at least one pair of Kingfishers. The tidal stream flats being an ideal hunting zone. The nest banks are quite close, and the trees and powerlines make idealsurveillanceperches. Kingfishers are not particularly numerous around Stewart Island, but most tidal inlets and streams seem to have a resident pair. For […]