Recently I spent two days in a row photographing birds at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (aka Bear River National Wildlife Refuge) in northern Utah and found plenty of birds to aim my lens at. Going to the refuge means getting up at o’dark hundred and leaving by shortly after 5 am to get there […]
Slipping Between Breezes
Stepping over a leafy bridge, an acrobat swings past the abyss, slipping between breezes. • Eastern black carpenter ant | Camponotus pennsylvanicus
A Nice Surprise
It’s been a while since I last walked through Red House Farm, last night I walked the dog through the area and was pleased to find it carpeted in wild flowers. One in particular caught my attention. The Bee OrchidOphrys apifera. This was the first time I’ve seen this species, making it even more special […]
Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) Update
The Baltimore Orioles Icterus galbulaworked hard and successfully together as parents. I so enjoyed being able to watch them coming and going from their nest and hearing the males lovely tonal trills. The male was as steadfast in guarding his nestlings as the female was in foraging for food. In the past I have also […]
Birding Moldova – a less intensively farmed country
I have just returned from a trip to Moldova to stay for a few days with my wife’s family. Moldova is a country situated between Romania and Ukraine, just north of the Black Sea. My wife’s family live on a smallholding in the countryside adjacent to a large forest which is home to European Brown […]
The Burrowing Owls of Cape Coral, Florida
My first meeting with one of the Cape Coral Burrowing Owls was at a vacant lot on an early-spring afternoon. An adult owl stared up at me with lemon-yellow eyes just above the rim of a shallow depression in the dirt, which was decorated with the remains of a leather boot, a dirty white rag, […]
………met m’n maatje naar het Naardermeer. Afgelopen week uitgenodigd om bij de Aalscholvers van het Naardermeer te gaan kijken. Tevens een stuk van het Naardermeer zelf en de omgeving kunnen zien. Was voor mij de eerste keer dat ik het Naardermeer op deze manier te zien heb gekregen. Vele jaren met de trein er dwars […]
Juvenile Common Raven
There weren’t many birds present at the San Rafael Swell Recreation Site in central Utah this past week, the San Rafael River seemed lower than I have seen it and there was evidence of drought conditions, mainly in the vegetation there. The greasewoods looked yellow instead of the vibrant green I remember from the past […]