Say’s Phoebes have moved in.

Say’s Phoebes have moved in.

I had been seeing these birds around my house, but didn’t pay much attention to them. After all, I thought they were just little brown birds. My curiosity got the better of me so I grabbed my bird book and determined they are Say’s Phoebes.

With some observation, I discovered they have nested above a timber at the end of my garage. These clever birds built their nest where I can’t get a clear view – probably best for the birds.

What the heck, I like to document as many species as possible so I grabbed my camera gear.

Say’s Phoebes have moved in.
Say’s Phoebe, Wapiti Valley, Wyoming
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Say’s Phoebe, Wapiti Valley, Wyoming

By changing my position only a few feet I was able to photograph the Phoebes with different backgrounds. I started with morning light and when the early evening light came around I was back outside for another photo session.

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Say’s Phoebe, Wapiti Valley, Wyoming
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Say’s Phoebe, Wapiti Valley, Wyoming

As it turns out, I enjoy having the Phoebes staying with us and hope they are successful raising there young here. I’ll be watching for the fledglings.

Don Getty

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Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

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