Short-toed Eagles

Short-toed Eagles

There is a very interesting paper written by members of Fundación Migres here in Andalucía, entitled ‘Autumn Migration of Juvenile Short-Toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from Southeastern Spain’.

Onset, duration and routes of migration differed between the two individuals, but both eventually settled in approximately the same area (c. 170 km apart). The wintering grounds were located more than 2500 km away from the breeding sites, although the birds covered some 3800–4700 km to reach the wintering area.

The observed differences in migration strategies may be related to juvenile eagles migrating, or not, in mixed flocks with adults; the latter depart earlier from the breeding grounds and follow a more direct route to the wintering grounds.’

© Diego Pavón1, Rubén Limiñana, Vicente Urios, Alejandro Izquierdo, Beatriz Yáñez, Miguel Ferrer & Alejandro de la Vega

Short toed Eagle stare 5658

Short toed Eagle 0773

‘This study (2010) provides the first description of autumn migration routes of juvenile Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus tagged in southeastern Spain. Three nestlings were tagged with Argos/GPS satellite transmitters, of which two reached their wintering grounds in Mali, close to the Inner Niger Delta.

Follow this link to view the full paper

While enjoying the wonderful spectacle of the autumn bird migration here on the western side of the Mediterranean Sea I was disgusted to read about the continuing slaughter of nearly ninety-thousand passerines at the other end of the Mediterranean, in Cyprus.

Read more here and please sign the petition

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Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly, has been birding since he was eight years old in his native Scotland. After living in Germany and France he established Andalucian Guides the successful birding and wildlife tour company on The Strait of Gibraltar in Spain and has been living here since 2001. Photographing birds in flight is one passion and his photos can be found in many books, magazines and journals. Studying bird behaviour and bird migration are two other positive aspects of being based on one of the busiest migration routes on Earth.

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