Daniel Vago is an enthusiastic freelance photographer, specializing on wildlife and the environment. Working in telecommunications and information technology, Daniel is also a member of “Aves Argentinas”. By focusing on nature photography, his aim is to show the wonders that surround us with his own personal vision, to contribute to our awareness, and to protect our wildlife. Capturing wildlife images can not only change a person’s thinking but can also be an experience to explore and enjoy.
La Gallareta chica (White-winged Coot) mide unos 30 cm y su color es casi completamente negro; en vuelo se notan unos pequeños ápices blancos en las puntas de las alas.Posee un escudete amarillo en ocasiones tornando al naranja y su pico es de color blanco. Se la puede observar en grupos o pequeñas bandadas, es muy caminadora. © Daniel Vago
8 Photos
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