In 2011 a shock celebrity break-up garnered headlines around the world – not the separation of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, nor Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, but the sudden, inexplicable rupture between Bibi and Poldi, two 115-year-old Galápagos tortoises at Happ reptile zoo in Austria. After nearly a century as a couple, the female, […]
Tag: Albatross

World’s oldest-known wild bird lays egg in Hawaii at age 74
The oldest-known wild bird in the world has laid an egg at the ripe age of about 74, her first in four years, US wildlife officials said. The long-winged seabird named Wisdom, a Laysan albatross, returned to Midway Atoll national wildlife refuge at the north-western edge of the Hawaiian Archipelago and laid what experts estimate […]

Discover the world’s oldest wild bird — still going strong in its 70s
The oldest wild bird in the world is widely thought to be the rather remarkable Laysan albatross known as Wisdom, who lives on the Midway Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean. Initially ringed by biologist Chandler Robbins in 1956 when she arrived on the island to breed, she is estimated to be an amazing 73 […]

5 of the Most Spectacular (& Elaborate) Mating Rituals of Birds
Mating rituals in the animal kingdom vary across species, and birds are no exception. Typically, dances for courtship between birds involve the makes working hard to attract the females’ attention. They use movement, sounds, skills, and good looks to woo their potential partner! 1. Black-Footed Albatross Source: Eric Dale/Youtube The black-footed albatross mating ritual is […]

A Bad dose of Hawkie
Today I had my first outing with Zak for what seems like ages. As is our wont we had a Tour de Østfold. First stop was Kurefjorden. Here we had a rising tide that seemed to bear no resemblance to that which was predicted by the tide tables but conditions were very good with all […]

Sydney pelagic trip
As I headed out on a pelagic wildlife watching trip out of Sydney with Halicat I was really keen to see a new species of whale. Which wasn’t not too much to ask for, given that the only whale species I have seen are Humpbacks, Right whales and a pod of Pygmy Killer Whales. The […]