Fraud and corruption drive illegal wildlife trade in the Amazon

Fraud and corruption drive illegal wildlife trade in the Amazon

In 2017, authorities at the Miami airport inspected a commercial shipment from Europe. Inside a container, they found 21 splash-backed poison frogs (Adelphobates galactonotus), a species known for its vibrant colors and poisonous skin. The species is endemic to the southern tributaries of the Amazon River and highly sought after by private collectors worldwide. When […]

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Rewilding Peruvian Spider Monkeys!!!

Rewilding Peruvian Spider Monkeys!!!

Closing out the last days of 2023 and first days of 2024, I want to share the resent Peruvian Spider Monkey (Ateles chamek) REWILDING program activity thanks to the challenging work of scientists, veterinarians and volunteers of the Taricaya Ecological Reserve ( and Kawsay Biological Center ( in the southeastern Amazon rainforest of Peru. As […]

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