Pont de Gau is a 60 hectares bird sanctuary set in Camargue, south of France, where a breeding colony of several thousands of these flamingos remain year round, among which about 200 hundred individuals have rings. Close to the american version, it is the largest. They have a very long lifespan easily reaching over 60 […]
Tag: bird
The Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus scirpaceusPasseriformes – Acrocephalidae The Reed Warbler is a small bird, as dull but smaller than the nightingale. It lives in paludal vegetation; It isinsectivorous but will eventually eat berries. This species is one of which the Common Cuckoo parasites as it lays an egg in other birds nests. The species is monogamous even though […]
Hope for the Red-knobbed Curassow
The Red-knobbed Curassow is an endangered species from Brazil. Once inhabiting the Atlantic Forest, it is very hard to find nowadays. Its population is decreasing due to hunting and deforestation. Some of them can still be found in the preservation units of Espirito Santo. Leonardo Merçon found a whole group of Red-knobbed Curassows nearby the […]
Male Hoopoe
Upupa epops – Bucerotiformes (Coraciformes) – Upupidae – C’est la seconde couvée de l’été! Ces photos datent de la mi juillet; le mâle continue d’apporter des insectes à sa femelle qui couve seule. Ces affûts ont l’air faciles mais détrompez-vous, certaines fois il va directement au nid dans le mur en terre battue de l’appentis, […]
European Rollers
Coracias garrulusCoraciiformes – Coraciidae This pair has established their nest at 1.50m high in an old tree trunk of which the main branches have been cut off. I dearly hope the landowner will leave what’s left for these birds and for the different species of sparrows nesting in its heart. Cette paire a fait un […]
Common bullfinch
Pyrrhula pyrrhulaPasseriformes Fringillidae This species is uncommon in my area. It was one my many challenges to photograph this beauty, although the male is much more colourful than the female. I had heard about a pair coming to a friend’s garden early in the morning. So I set my hide tent at 7H30 and lo […]
The European bee eater
Merops apiaster Coraciiformes – Meropidae They are back from their African winter quarters end of may in the South of France but mainly in Spain early in may. As Carrion crows, Black kites and some parrot species, they live as couples within a same colony and mate for life. It is awesome and inspiring to […]
The Little Bustard
Tetrax tetrax – Otidiformes – Otididae – It is the only species of this Tetrax genera and is very endangered on french territory. Also in decline in Spain although still in larger numbers, it lives in dry opened areas. The male does somewhat of a “flamenco dance” on a specific spot about 30 cm wide […]