Milvus milvus Accipitriformes – Acciptidae As I was taking ordinary pictures of this magnificent bird, he turned swiftly around and flapped his wings to impress another individual intended on perching on the same branch. Beginning of April 2013
Tag: bird
There’s been a marked decline in the number of sunspots over the past decade or so. That’s what NASA scientists say, and I have no reason to doubt their research findings. Luckily, I haven’t observed any reduction in the terrestrial version of this phenomenon. Hardly a day has passed lately when I’ve not been blinded […]
The Lesser flamingo
Phoeniconaias minorPhoenicopteriformes – Phoenicopteridae It is the smallest species of flamingo; it lives in sub-Saharan Africa with another population in India. It mainly breeds at Lake Natron in northern Tanzania andfeeds primarily on a cyanobacteria or Spirulina, algae which grow only in very alkaline lakes and contains the photosynthetic pigments that give the birds their […]
Costa Rica Update
My second tour complete, so naturally, lots of editing waiting on the hard drives. Both of the 2013 tours were very successful, wonderful guests, amazing nature to see and photograph. This most recent trip was exceptional as we were able to stand in a farmers field and watch Quetzals with their nest. A tree line […]
Goodness knows
Kindergarteners swarmed around the khaki-clad naturalist, squealing with excitement, shouting out questions and jockeying for a better view.The adult volunteers on this field trip were a tougher audience. “I’m glad they’re having fun but I don’t see why anyone should care about some bug,” one 30-something mom confided to another, adding, “What good is it, […]
Bilder er fra sørvest kysten av Norge. Disse strendene reiser jeg til flere ganger i året. Dette er et godt sted for å se waders / shorebirds på trekk .Data : EOS 1D MK III , 500mmL F4,0 IS , 1/800 , ISO 500 , F 4,5 , beanbag , Lightroom.
The Great spotted woodpecker in the snow
Dendrocopos major – Picidae – Piciformes – Quite an unusual snow episode in the south of France on this 13th of march 2013. Here, this male was pecking at the tree, casting snow flakes around:
The Great spotted woodpecker
A mouse, a monkey! I wait for him in the morning, he arrives in the afternoon; I expect him on the right; he shows up on the left! As I align the lens on him, he rushes to the right. Anyhow, here he is!