10 Common Practices in Maintaining Lagoon Biodiversity

Here’s a fact: 13% of the world’s coastlines are lagoons. Because of that, they present one of the highest biological productivities in marine life. Teeming with species, they provide homes for fish gliding through rippling seagrass, birds skimming the glittering surface, dolphins spinning joyously, ancient sea turtles returning to their nest, and many tiny creatures […]

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These Ex-Shark Fishermen Now Teaches Kids Environmental Conservation

These Ex-Shark Fishermen Now Teaches Kids Environmental Conservation

In a remarkable transformation, ex-shark fishermen on Indonesia’s Lombok Island are now pioneering environmental protectors, thanks to The Dorsal Effect. Spearheaded by shark conservationist Kathy Xu and local fisherman Suhardi, this eco-enterprise is changing the game in marine conservation. Source: Sky TV/YouTube Turning the Tide: From Hunting to Conserving Suhardi, a former shark fisherman, and […]

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4 Fun-Filled and Exciting Travel Activities for Nature Lovers

4 Fun-Filled and Exciting Travel Activities for Nature Lovers

Nature has a way of inspiring us and promoting creativity. Studies have shown that being outdoors can improve our cognitive function, including memory, attention, and creativity. Nature provides a break from the overstimulation of modern life, allowing your brain to rest and recharge. Spending time in nature is linked to improved mood, further promoting creativity […]

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